
How to Apply Eye Serum Correctly for Maximum Effectiveness

by DSBN Editorial Team on Sep 12, 2024

How to Apply Eye Serum Correctly for Maximum Effectiveness

With a multitude of skincare products available today, it can be challenging to determine which ones are truly essential for your routine. While it’s important to care for every part of your skin, the delicate under-eye area often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves.

The skin around your eyes is particularly sensitive and requires special care, which is where eye serums come into light.  Understanding the benefits of eye serums, their impact, and how to apply them correctly can help you choose the right product and integrate it effectively into your daily skincare routine.

Let us begin by understanding what an eye serum is? 

What is an Eye Serum?

An eye serum is a concentrated treatment designed specifically for the skin around your eyes. Unlike thicker creams, serums are lighter and contain fewer oils, which makes them ideal for delicate areas. These serums come in various formulations and target skin concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles. 

What Does Eye Serum Do?

Eye serums are used for several reasons, each targeting specific issues. Let's take a closer look at the benefits they offer:

What Does Eye Serum Do?

Improved Tightness and Hydration

Eye serums often improve skin firmness by providing hydration. Ingredients like ceramides and peptides (in eye serums) are commonly used to lock in moisture and rehydrate the fragile skin around your eyes. If you struggle with dryness in this area, incorporating an eye serum into your routine can help keep your skin moisturized and supple.

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Youthful Appearance

Eye serums are well-known for their anti-aging properties. The skin around the eyes is one of the first areas to show signs of aging, such as fine lines and crow’s feet. To reduce these signs, look for serums with anti-aging ingredients like CO2 extracts, seed oils, Sacha, and hyaluronic acid, which can help smooth and plump the skin, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles.

Radiance and Brightness

Dullness can make your complexion appear less vibrant. Eye serums containing retinol, vitamin A, or Rosehip Seed Oil can help restore brightness and radiance, reversing skin dullness and damage.

Reduction of Dark Circles and Puffiness

Even with adequate sleep, you might notice dark bags or puffiness under your eyes. Serums with ingredients like lavender, Sacha Inchi Peptides, and Glucosyl Hesperidin can help alleviate these issues, reducing the appearance of tiredness and helping to correct dark circles and puffiness.

How to Choose an Eye Serum?

Choosing the right eye serum depends on your specific concerns and desired results. For wrinkles and fine lines, go for a serum with anti-aging properties. For dark circles and puffiness, look for serums with ingredients like Green Tea leaf extract or Quinoa Peptides. If you’re aiming to boost overall radiance and hydration, select a serum designed to enhance these aspects.

When to Apply Eye Serum

The mantra for applying eye serum is, applying it at the right time. Always follow the product’s instructions for best results. 

For example: Some eye serums are intended for use once daily, while others may be applied both morning and night. 

So, by checking the directions on your specific product will ensure you use it correctly.

Also Read: How to choose the Best Facial Toner: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Use Eye Serum

Now, let us break down the steps for applying eye serum adequately. 

How to Use Eye Serum
  • Begin by cleansing your face and applying any toner (if you use one). 
  • Once your skin is prepared, take a small amount of serum onto your fingertip. Gently dab the serum onto the under-eye area, starting from the inner corner and moving outwards. 
  • Apply the serum with a light touch to avoid stressing the delicate skin. Gently pat the serum until it is fully absorbed.
  • Now, use your regular moisturizer as another layer to protect your skin and keep it hydrated. 

Do you use eye cream or serum first?

If you have been confused about eye cream before or after serum? Or eye serum before or after moisturizer? Then let me begin by helping you understand that cream is not the substitute for eye serum, they work together to give you the perfect eye protection. Eye serum is light and hydrates your under-eye, whereas cream has a heavier texture and works to strengthen your skin barrier. 

So, to derive the maximum benefit, you should apply cream post applying eye serum. 

With this guide, you now have the knowledge to effectively use eye serum and enhance the health of your under-eye area.

Anti-aging Eye Serum

For an eye-serum that tackles deep wrinkles, dark circles, crow’s feet, fine-line sagging, and age spots around your eyes, Anti-aging Eye Serum (with algae extract + wild yam) by Dazzling Skin is the perfect choice. Enriched with natural ingredients like Peptide-3, bladderwrack, Paullina cupana, and Cucumis sativus, this formula enhances collagen elasticity and delivers powerful anti-wrinkle benefits. 

Moreover, it is perfect for both men and women. 


What is the correct way to apply eye serum?

Cleanse your face, apply toner, then gently dab a pea-sized amount of serum under your eyes, from the inner corner to the outer edge. Pat until absorbed.

Do you rub in eye serum?

No, gently dab eye serum with your fingertip. Rubbing can irritate the delicate skin around your eyes.

Does eye serum go on before moisturizer?

Yes, apply eye serum before your moisturizer to allow it to absorb fully and provide hydration before sealing it in with your cream.

Can you put eye serum on eyelids?

Generally, apply eye serum to the under-eye area. Avoid the eyelids unless the product specifically indicates it’s safe for that area.

Does eye cream come before or after serum?

Apply eye serum first, then follow with eye cream to maximize hydration and anti-aging benefits.

Do you put serum or cream first?

Apply serum first as it is lighter and absorbs quickly. Follow with cream to lock in moisture and enhance skin barrier.

How do you apply eye cream and eye serum together?

Apply eye serum first, gently patting it under your eyes. Once absorbed, apply eye cream over the serum to seal in moisture and protect the skin.

How to Apply Eye Serum Correctly for Maximum Effectiveness

Cleanse, apply toner, then dab a small amount of serum under your eyes. Gently pat until absorbed, then follow with your moisturizer.