Being raised in a family of five and being a girl, my sister and I have been fortunate enough to be made to feel equal to my brothers. My father being disabled and bound to a wheelchair, at a very young age, with rheumatoid arthritis became a successful businessman. He taught me to be strong like my brothers and he showed me that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.I am a strong believer in woman empowerment. My mission in life is to be able to support other women less fortunate in life to give them an opportunity to study and be a self made woman. My mother instilled values of a woman and also encouraged me to excel in my life. Today my mother is suffering from dementia and there are days she doesn't know who I am. :(

I, therefore, feel the need to donate to Dementia Society of America, who treat dementia patients to be able to find a cure, because nobody should go through this feeling of not being recognized by their own family member.I also would like to be able to donate to the Rheumatology Research Foundation in Loving Memory of my Dear father.DSBN is a skincare line that brings out the inner beauty on a women's face giving her the confidence to walk makeup free and be inspired by my story to achieve anything she desires in life.