
When to Use a Facial Toner? Best Practices for Your Skincare Routine

by DSBN Editorial Team on Jul 17, 2024

When to Use a Facial Toner

Facial toner is often an underrated step in many skincare routines, yet it can make a significant difference in the texture and appearance of your skin. 

Knowing when and how to incorporate facial toner into your daily routine can result in a clearer and more balanced complexion.

When to Use Facial Toner

Facial toner should be applied right after cleansing your face. Using facial toner helps remove any leftover impurities, stabilizing the skin's pH, and enhancing the absorption of the other skincare products.

It's generally recommended to use toner twice daily—once in the morning and once in the evening, as part of your regular skincare regimen.

Types of Skin Toner

Toners vary based on skin type and specific concerns. Here are the two basic categories: 

Cleansing Toners

Cleansing toners offer an additional level of cleansing, removing any makeup, dirt, or oil that your cleanser may have missed. These often contain astringent ingredients like witch hazel or alcohol, which help tighten pores and reduce skin oil.

Hydrating & Balancing Toners

Formulated to add moisture and maintain the skin’s natural balance, hydrating toners includes ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and green tea. They are particularly beneficial for dry, sensitive, or combination skin types, providing hydration and soothing effects without stripping natural oils.

Is Toner Necessary?

The necessity of toner in a skincare routine is a topic of debate among experts. However, many dermatologists and skin care professionals acknowledge that toners can offer additional benefits that enhance an overall skincare regimen. Toner serves as an essential step, ensuring your skin is clean, balanced, and more receptive to serums and moisturizers.

How Often to Use Toner & How to Use It

Toner can be used twice daily, morning and night, after cleansing your face. Here’s a simple guide on how to apply it:

  1. Cleanse your face thoroughly with your preferred cleanser.
  2. Apply toner to a cotton pad or your hands and gently swipe or pat it onto your face and neck.
  3. Let it absorb for a few seconds before applying your serum or moisturizer.

What Are the Key Advantages of Using Facial Toner?

Adding facial toner into your skincare routine can result in numerous benefits, such as: 

Restores Your Skin’s pH Balance

Cleansing can disturb your skin's natural pH, leading to increased oiliness or dryness. Toner helps to re-establish and maintain this balance.

Eliminates Residual Impurities and Dead Skin Cells

Toner effectively removes leftover impurities, excess oils, and dead skin cells that your cleanser might miss, resulting in cleaner, more refined skin.

Provides Gentle Exfoliation

Many toners contain mild exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), which aid in shedding dead skin cells and revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion.

Minimizes Breakouts

By deeply cleansing and balancing the skin, toner can help prevent clogged pores and reduce the frequency of breakouts, making it especially beneficial for acne-prone skin.

Enhancing Your Skincare Routine

When to Use a Facial Toner

Adding a good toner to your skincare routine can enhance the benefits of your other skincare products, leading to a healthier, more balanced complexion. A top recommendation is the Firming Facial Toner with Chamomile and Green Tea, which contains botanical extracts, marine minerals, and proteins that enhance skin firmness and brightness. With regular use, you’ll see significant improvements in your skin’s texture, clarity, and overall health.


Which Toner Should I Choose?
Choosing the right toner depends on your skin type and concerns. Like, for oily or acne-prone skin, go for toners with astringent properties and exfoliating acids. For dry or sensitive skin, get hydrating toners with soothing ingredients.
How Should Beginners Use Toner?

If you’re new to using toner, start with a gentle, hydrating formula. Apply it with a cotton pad or your hands, and use it once daily to allow your skin to adjust. If your skin tolerates it well, you can gradually increase to twice daily use.

Is Toner Suitable for Every Skin Type?

Yes, toner can be suitable for all skin types, but it’s crucial to choose one that meets your specific needs. Hydrating toners are ideal for dry and sensitive skin, while clarifying toners are better suited for oily and acne-prone skin.